Support for the design of physical and digital devices for the accessibility and inclusion of museum itineraries within the Terre Nuove Museum, San Giovanni Valdarno
General Info
Applied research program
Direct funding - Comune San Giovanni Valdarno
LED research team (RT)
Francesca Tosi (Scientific Responsible ),
Alessia Brischetto (Scientific Coordinator)
RT: Ester Iacono (research fellow), Libin Yuan (PhD Student) Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence
ENS - Associazione italiana sordi (Sez. Provinciale Arezzo)
UICI - Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti (Arezzo)
Tactile Studio (for Tactile Stations)
General Objective
The research agreement between the Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno and the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence envisaged collaboration for research activities relating to the design of devices for the accessibility and inclusion of museum itineraries within the Museum of the New Lands. Inserted within the PNRR call of the Ministry of Culture M.1-C.3 "Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to allow broad access and participation in culture in museums and public places of culture not belonging to the Ministry of Culture", the valorisation project of the Museum of the New Lands has the aim of promoting wider access and greater participation in cultural heritage or ensuring that everyone can enjoy culture equitably and inclusively, without being limited by barriers of various kind. This can include interventions to make cultural spaces more accessible to people with physical or cognitive disabilities, such as the installation of sensory stations, self-description systems, accessible routes and inclusive technologies. This collaboration involved carrying out some activities with a participatory design approach aimed at the associations of sensory disabled people - ENS and UICI of Arezzo. The project had as its starting point the development of operational phases based on applying the theoretical and methodological tools of Ergonomics for Design, specifically those of Human Centered Design and Participatory Design with stakeholders.
Project Website: https://www.museoterrenuove.it/museo-inclusivo/