"XAll - A whole different guide"
General Info
Applied research program
The project "XAll - A whole different guide" inaugurates a new way of welcoming diversity in three Italian museums. The project involves the creation of interactive, customizable and inclusive supports for visits.
Funded by the TIM Foundation
Coordination (leader)
Francesca Tosi (Scientific Responsible) - Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence
Working Group
Alessia Brischetto (Scientific Coordinator)
Ester Iacono, Claudia Becchimanzi, Antonella Serra, Giovanna Nichilò, Libin Yuan, Nicola Bernardi - Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence
Pierluca Lanzi (POLIMI Scientific Responsible), Paolo Boffi, Andrea Bovo - Polytechnic of Milan (POLIMI) - DEIB Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Partner Museums
MUS.e – Museo di Palazzo Vecchio e Museo Stefano Bardini (Florence, Italy)
Museo Nazionale del Bargello (Florence, Italy)
ENS - Associazione italiana sordi (Sez. Provinciale Firenze)
UICI - Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti (Firenze)
HABILIA - Associazione di Paratetraplegici e altri disabili motori
Laboratorio di Foto Video per il Design e l’Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze,
Prof. Marcello Scalzo, Dott.ssa Parisa Darv (with the participation of Ilaria Malvone)
Tactile Studio (for Tactile Stations)
General Objective
The research project was funded by the TIM Foundation and carried out by the University of Florence in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan. Partners in the project are three prestigious Florentine institutions: the Bargello National Museum and the Mus.e association with the Palazzo Vecchio Museum and the Stefano Bardini Museum.
Museums are the first to experience the innovative solution offered by "XAll - A whole different guide", for an art truly capable of overcoming barriers and offering full enjoyment of beauty. Thanks to an app for all and stations with tactile, sound and olfactory stimuli, museum visits become more engaging experiences for everyone, especially for people with sensory disabilities.
The following associations participated in the project: Italian National Agency for the Deaf (ENS), the Paratetraplegic and Motor Disabled Association Habilia Onlus and the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS-APS (UICI).
Website: https://www.xallproject.com/en