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Age-It:  Ageing Well in an ageing society 

Spoke 9. Age-It aims at tackling many challenges related to an ageing society through systemic solutions.

Task 1.1. Human-Centred Design assessment methods for user needs analysis, design guidelines for physical and digital interfaces, definition of experimental protocols for physical avatar interfaces

General Info

Applied research program




European Union NextGeneration EU, Ministreo dell’Università e della Ricerca (PNRR - Partenariati Estesi)





​PI and Task leader

Scientific coordinator Age-it project: Daniele Vignoli UNIFI

Leader Spoke 9: Filippo Cavallo UNIFI

Co-Leader: Pietro Siciliano CNR IMM

Scientific responsable WP1:  Tiziana Ferrante SAPIENZA UNIROMA 1

Scientific responsable Task 1.1 (Spoke 9 - WP1): Francesca Tosi UNIFI

LED research team (RT)

Francesca Tosi, Mattia Pistolesi (Researcher/Rtda - Task 1.1 - Spoke 9), Alessia Brischetto (Affiliated Researcher)


Research Team Spoke 9 

Sapienza Università di Roma

Università di Firenze


CNR Stiima (Lecco)

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano)


Università di Padova

Università della Calabria

CNR IMM (Lecce)


CNR IFN (Milano)


Research Team Spoke 9  - WP1

Sapienza UniRoma 1

Università di Firenze


CNR Stiima (Lecco)

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano)


General Objective 

The overall objective of the Age-It: Ageing Well in an Ageing Society programme is to transform Italy into an international scientific pole for research on ageing, an 'empirical laboratory' representing the reference standard in the socio-economic, biomedical and technological fields to build an inclusive society for all ages. The working group is responsible for Task 1.1, Human-Centred Design Evaluation Methods for User Needs Analysis, Design Guidelines for Physical and Digital Interfaces, and Definition of Experimental Protocols for Physical Interfaces with Avatars (Spoke 9 - WP1). The objectives of the task are the collection and systematisation of the needs and expectations of users and formal and informal caregivers through the survey methods of Human-Centred Design; the definition of Guidelines for the design of physical and digital interfaces of aids and enabling technologies, accessible and easy to use, adaptable to the different needs of users, aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly; the definition of experimental protocols and evaluation methods belonging to the Human-Centred Design approach to analyse the interaction between users, physical avatars and supporting tools, for effective and satisfactory use of enabling technologies by elderly users.


Project Website 

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